Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The New and Improved Studio Space!!!

A few weeks ago I posted about how my "studio" was a total disaster. It was bad, awful, horrible. It was so messy I literally lost 2 projects I was working on and was forced to clean so I could get this order out soon!  (Leigh-Ellen, I mean you!)

Apparently all it took was an awesome friend, some P.F. Chang's and an awesome friend... Also, I just couldn't wait any longer to wait to find this project!

So it took a few hours, some cursing, and lots and lots of patience, but WE did it! And here's what it looks like now... I promise, it still looks like this and it's been 5 days, which is amazing.

I just had to share this with you! I hope you all enjoyed this little insight into my personal space! Soon I hope to be moving into a house where my studio isn't located in a mud-room, but rather a whole room for me! With shelves and dressers and a sewing desk, cutting table and place to do my blog design... but now I'm just being silly and dreaming a bit.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Movie Review: Pitch Perfect

Have you seen Pitch Perfect? I have... maybe more than once... I just wanted to share some pieces of this movie with you, so that you will understand why you should see it! This is one of the funnier movies I've seen in a very long time - and while yes, it's predictable  it's fun, fresh and has some pretty super actors.

Okay, now you understand why you need to see this movie... Because:

Did you watch the whole trailer? You should - it's Aca-Awesome.

This is probably the best line... because Rebel Wilson is freaking hilarious. 

Basically the review is you need to go see it. The end...

Friday, October 26, 2012

You know when you go crazy?

This is what happens when you make the product, photograph and model it... things get weird. Just thought I'd share...

Want a new scarf? Use code: NEWSTUFF for 10% off!



First order of business, you should go check out Mama Marchand's "I Heart Hand Made" posts! There may or may not be a large discount... which may or may not have prompted my decision to release some of my fall line early - this afternoon? Okay. 

life rearranged

Happy Friday Folks! Who else is happy it's Friday? Me, I'm just happy I don't have a test next week - so that means this weekend I can finish all my late orders and blog work! Yippie!

Anywhoo. Hope you all had a fantastic week, mine wasn't too shabby!  Also, I definitely have 3 posts planned for this weekend... I don't even know what to do with myself!
The new Blog Design shop is up and running! Yeppers!

OK... I am sorry, but this is one of my favorite movies! More on a post this weekend...

Yes, I definitely brought in the trash like this, because I was being silly...

Awesome friends help you organize your craft space - more on this in tomorrow's post!

This.... is my new line! I wasn't going to put it on Etsy until November 1st... but I JUST CAN'T WAIT! It's too cozy not to share, so later today!!!

Yes... this has been my week in COLDNESS.... thank God for fuzzy frog socks and flannel infinity scarves!

Don't forget to stop by 2 more times this weekend for even more bloggy goodness!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

New Design Shop... Up and Running

That's right, I have finally gone and uploaded a bunch of social media buttons into my "Design Shop". Throughout the week I will also be adding a different design of social icon, some widget titles, Custom Etsy Banners, etc... and I have a few pre-made blog designs heading into the shop around Friday - hope you're as excited as I am!!!

If you have any questions, would like a quote, would like a button I have but in a different color - let me know!  Thank you all for your support in this new adventure, and remember that I will also be launching a new set of fall/winter products on the Etsy site sometime in November!!!!

Come visit the shop! Lots of colors to oogle at!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Someday I Will Have a Pin-Worthy Studio...

Every time I study, and have to put my sewing machine in the corner of the mud-room (yes, here, we do put Baby in the corner) I get frustrated and sad. It's a pain in the butt having to redo my desk to alternate between shop stuff and studying - which for a small shop owner and pre-nursing student happens a lot!

Sometime soon we will be moving into a house that has 4 bedrooms, and since my roommate (Dad) only needs 1, and a guest room... that means, 2 for me (and none for Gretchen Weiners), because my dad is awesome like that... I get a room to sleep and.... and a room to craft in! Heck yes.
This is the desk at which I: cut, pin and sew my shop work... where I do my blog design and... yes, where I study on my awesome white board - this week I have 2 tests (1 in 3 hours ahhh) - CRANIAL NERVES are no fun..

This is my current situation, where I keep my supplies in the "mudroom" space between my bedroom and the backyard, behind that curtain - 2 massive water heaters that make noises you wouldn't believe... since we were planning on moving in November, I didn't organize any further after the shelves ... collapsed... but since I don't know about the moving situation I will be tackling this over the weekend... and you will be able to see a glorious change (and I will be able to find things).

I would love it to magically change over night and become like these, but alas it will most likely not... and I will have to continue to covet these awesome spaces via Pinterest. Oh Pinterest, the bane of my crafty existence!

Have an awesome studio space you'd like to share? Let me know!


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