
     This site was originally created as a personal blog, but after over a year I was able to man up and realize that it wasn't "me"... and now it's a site dedicated to other small business owners, a way to bring us together, share our business, studios and passions.

About the Blog Design:
About Artsy:

     Hi! My name is Paige - haha, starting out like that always makes me think of the summer camp song: "Hi, My name is Bob... and I work in a button factory (factory), I've got a wife..."  - anyhoo, if you don't know it - you should it's right up there with "The Princess Pat"...  There are awesome versions of both on YouTube if you need clarification.   
     I have a Master's Degree in Anthropology, and with life the way it is, have decided to go back to school to study nursing.  I love crafts and procrastination... which is how I fell in love with this... to avoid studying and boredom, in no particular order, but usually studying.

     I find that there is little in my life that a massive craft binge has failed to rectify. Be it a crappy day at work or school, a massive midterm, a failed relationship, a failed friendship, an episode of Glee where Finn and Rachel broke up for the 100th time - really, any situation that isn't 100% ideal can be fixed with a little hot glue.

     Inspiration is everywhere. My closet is literally overflowing with crafts. There are drawers of scrap-booking, extra fabric - bags of old frames, wire, blank canvas - all of it tucked away for a rainy day.

     So get out there - plug in your hot glue gun, throw on your sweats, pop in your very loved copy of Notting Hill and get to it!

Find me on Facebook: Artsy Anthropology

      Also, as a general rule to live by - never, never forget to stop and make fun of yourself. See - it's pretty entertaining!


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