Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Etsy Happenings

Free shipping starts tomorrow, for the entire month!!

      Also random sales and give always will be happening every Friday until Christmas so pass this along... these sales will be posted every Friday at 12:00am (ish) on either: Facebook, the Blog or Etsy.  **Are you excited? I am!

**Every DAY until Christmas, I will give away a free present to EVERY person who starts to follow my blog and email's me their address for shipping!

artsyanthropology [at] gmail [dot] com

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I have discovered Instagram... and let me just say "IT'S AMAZING" (Imagine the little girl in Despicable Me screaming "It's so fluffy" and you'll understand).

Since then I have become obsessed with my new Kindle, written Draft 1 of my thesis and taken copious amounts of photos for my Etsy shop... just because they need to look A LOT better than the currently do.

My thesis station... and the stack of articles that I'm using.

 GOODIES for my Etsy Shop!

See how fun this thing is?! It's fantastic! I love it!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tis the season

     So in a small space we all wonder how best to get in the holiday spirit - me personally I like a few candles and my tiny little really fake looking tree.

     I have decorated my little living room entertainment center with multiple variations of red and green candles, all in the scents of the holidays and thus my apartment smells delicious!

     Then there is my tree. It was a whole $30 last year at Big Lots... and it looks very much like a $30 tree. The plastic that it is made from is slightly shiny under the lights, but that's okay my ornaments are all so bright and sparkley that you can't really tell (Also, I love the word Sparkley because it makes me laugh about what Edward Cullen looks like in the sun). Yes I went there with that.

     So now it's the holiday season. Meaning that Monday the first official draft of my thesis is due... after which I will begin making Mom's super secret toffee - that I have given to people, and now unfortunately every year I have to continue to make it for them - since if I give out the recipe, I'm pretty much a goner ;)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

In the few days leading up to Black Friday, the entire shop is 30% off, enter "Holiday" at checkout for this discount.

**Also, everything in the shop will be at least 50% off on Black Friday - with an even BIGGER discount on Small Business Saturday (Nov. 26).

*** All orders received Thursday November 24- Sunday November 27 will ship on Monday the 28th.

Coming soon are tutorials for:
*  Ribbon Flowers
*  Yo-Yo Accessories
*  Satin Flower Headbands

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Week In A Nutshell

     First off, I am sure my week would like to say "Help! I'm in a nutshell! How did I get into this bloody great big nutshell? What kind of shell has a nut like this?"
     But alas, what is a "lazy", slightly squishy, single, graduate student with a newly developed drinking problem (kidding) to do with her time? Well of course the answer is to blog on a blog that has 1 whole follower - thank you Jami!  Also to craft like a mad woman!
     When I say craft like a mad woman, I of course do not mean angry but rather insane, straight jacket, electric shock therapy, bat shit crazy. Yes... that is what has become of me. My sewing machine should be in it's own movie - similar to "If These Walls Could Talk".... because between the drinking (kidding) and the talking to my fish (not kidding) my sewing machine, which has taken up permanent residence on the dining room table, has seen it all.... oh lord, has the sewing machine seen it all. 
      When having a stressful day, I find it relaxing to walk through the isles of my local craft store (Hobby Lobby) and peruse the isles of color - which ironically stresses me out when I am having a good day... bet there's a psychologist out there who could have a field day with that.
     Needless to say - as a graduate student there are many days where I have found myself aimlessly walking down the isles of my local HobbyLobby, usually in the fabric department pondering what I am doing with my life - which usually leads to various projects including but not limited to: a new dining room set, a new entertainment center, a new duvet painfully cut and sewn by yours truly, a failed jewelry site on Etsy, a failing accessories site on Etsy and as of late - aprons, oh goodness and a lot of them - 6 in the last 4.5 days if we are counting...

     Some day I might even put up a tutorial - but for now, I will continue to lull myself back to sanity with the blaring -chug-chug-chug- of my 114$ Brother sewing machine... -chug-chug-chug-


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