Yes, this post is a few days early for the New Year... but we are moving and thus, things are crazy around here... I am currently logged into the internet via some distant neighbor that has 1 free bar of unsecured internet (shhh don't tell)... so this is going to be a quick little hello, since reliability may be an issue.
I just want to thank you all for your support this year - it's been a great year really starting to blog, web design and really get the shop going in the right direction for me!
All that being said - wait until you see all of the amazing things I have planned for next year in regards to the shop, blog design, the blog itself - I'm talking ... EPIC... no, wait for it... LEGENDARY!
So... if you want to be more involved in the happenings around here - please email me with your email address to be added to my new monthly newsletter... it will contain shop updates, exclusive coupons and the like.
Again thank you all for such a wonderful year, I can't wait to see what 2013 brings! Be safe, and have an amazing new year!